Professional Learning Community

Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) 2.0

The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) is the continuous improvement framework for all Victorian government schools.

FISO 2.0 comprises of:

    • the 2 outcomes of learning and wellbeing at the centre
    • the 5 core elements of leadership, teaching and learning, assessment, engagement, and support and resources.


Professional Learning Community (PLC) – The way our staff work at WEPS

Our dedicated staff work as a collaborative Professional Learning Community to provide a stimulating and safe environment focusing on learning and wellbeing (FISO 2.0). We strongly believe in working together, so that our students learn more. We focus on staff culture and wellbeing and all contributing to a positive and supportive workplace, so that we are working at our best for your children each day.


The Improvement Cycle

The improvement cycle depicts the improvement process that Victorian government schools use to implement strategies and actions to improve every student’s learning and wellbeing. The cycle embodies the leading research and global best-practice research on school improvement and teacher professional learning.


At WEPS we emphasise the importance of creating the conditions for ‘collaborative work’ and evaluating the impact of our work, to ensure the best growth and learning outcomes for each student.








Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are an approach to school improvement where groups of teachers work collaboratively at the school level to improve student outcomes.​


The main idea of a PLC is students learn more when their teachers work together. 


Building a PLC is a proven way for schools to increase student learning by creating a culture that is focussed on continuous improvement by linking the learning needs of students with the professional learning and practice of teachers.

© 2024 Warrnambool East Primary School