To be able to ensure a consistent approach, we need a whole school Instructional Model. A consistent approach to teaching and learning is imperative if we are to drive an improvement in student learning outcomes. At WEPS, we embed a clearly articulated Instructional Model from foundation to grade 6 implemented in every lesson and every class.
This model has been developed based on the evidence-based approach called the ‘Gradual Release of Responsibility’. The Gradual Release of Responsibility is a four-step process that focuses on student collaboration, engagement, and curiosity. ‘I do it’ (explicit and focused instruction by the teacher), ‘we do it’ (guided instruction, between the teacher and student), ‘we do it together’ (collaborative learning between students), and ‘you do it alone’ (independent learning and practice by the student and the teacher checks of understanding).
Differentiation is the process of making sure that students with different needs and abilities have equal access to learning. Everyone learns differently. At WEPS we are aware that a one-size-fits-all approach to education doesn’t benefit everyone equally. Our highly skilled teachers use strategies to differentiate learning so every student can reach their full potential. This is done by using strategies to make sure every student feels individually challenged and supported, and our school Instructional Model enables this process to occur.
Teachers can differentiate through a range of instructional and management strategies. This includes classroom elements (content, process, product and learning environment) in relation to student needs (readiness, interest and learning profile).
© Warrnambool East Primary School