Warrnambool East Primary School offers a diverse program within the arts. We recognise the importance of fostering creativity in our learners and are proud of our arts program.
Early years
The focus in the early years is about strengthening the students understanding of the elements of music, in particular their sense of pitch, rhythm and dynamics. Students explore sound and silence to create rhythm, ways of using their voices and instruments to create melody and movement to express ideas. They rehearse and perform songs and short melodic instrumental pieces which they have learnt and composed. Students learn the correct techniques on percussive and stringed instruments through a range of engaging activities which enable students to progress at their own pace.
Middle and upper years
The music learning focus in the middle and upper years is about developing the students to be independent learners who have the necessary skills, understandings, and techniques to be at the centre of their musical learning journey. As a result, many of our students are able to progress themselves on their chosen instrument at home. Our students enjoy rehearsing and performing as part of a whole class band, write short musical pieces and learn to read music written in different forms. Our grade 3-4 students enjoy performing a rehearsed song to a younger cohort as a whole class band. Our grade 5/6 students work hard to rehearse and prepare for a term four ‘Battle of the Whole Class Bands’ where they enjoy a friendly performance competition on their chosen focus instrument.
We run extracurricular music education opportunities for all ages during recess times. These activities include the ukulele band, kazoo choir and the senior band and preparing students for individual performances at assemblies, whole school, and community events such as the Warrnambool Eisteddfod.
Our student’s creativity is encouraged and nurtured through visual art. We begin the year with a term of visual arts learning and celebrate this learning with our annual art show where art representing each child’s learning is displayed. Throughout the year, our students are taught a diverse range of art skills though studying the works of national and international artists, as well as learning about how art can be closely linked with culture. Our students study the art of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Australian cultures, and we celebrate the unique art of the First Nations People. Our students enjoy preparing art for local art competitions and event opportunities such as the annual Lions Peace Poster competition, the RSL Anzac Day mural and the Father of the Year competition. Our students create art that is closely linked to our local area, plants, animals, and natural habitats. Our students enjoy many open-ended art activities and projects which enable the students to use their own ideas and interests as they complete their artwork.
© Warrnambool East Primary School