Student voice acknowledges that students have unique perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and should have the opportunity to actively shape their own education.
Student voice involves students actively participating in their schools, communities and the education system, contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas.
PIVOT Surveys (2 times per year)
At WEPS all students will be participating in the PIVOT survey. The surveys are conducted at the end of Term 1 and mid Term 3.
The student surveys are intended to provide teachers with constructive and actionable research-based feedback on the next steps that can be taken as a direct result of student responses. This models to students that we all have areas of strength and areas to improve upon.
Additionally, the surveys provide an opportunity to further enhance teaching practice, directly linking to standards within the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Student survey responses are anonymous and class results are confidential and only accessible to the class teacher. Aggregated data for the school, learning areas and year levels also becomes de-identified for further analysis and development of future actions.
Attitudes to School Survey (1 per year)
At WEPS, we are committed to seeking ongoing feedback which helps us to create strong relationships between our staff and students.
The Student Attitudes to School Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education, which is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of student experiences and perceptions about a range of areas, some including: academic rigour, student voice and agency, student behaviour, safety and student engagement.
We conduct the Attitudes to School Survey for Years 4, 5 and 6 students, and all students are encouraged to participate and share their voice about what the we are doing well, and areas in which we can improve.
Student Voice Team
We are in the process of developing a Student Voice Team at WEPS. The Student Voice TEam will comprise of selected student representatives from year 3,4,5 and 6, as well as our school captains.
The purpose of the Student Voice Team is to strengthen student voice and agency at WEPS, support our school improvement journey and provide opportunities for students to work with school leaders, collaborate and make decisions that have a positive impact on all students. They will regularly seek input of all students and lead improvement.
© Warrnambool East Primary School