Warrnambool East Primary School sees Literacy as central to the learning and development of all young Australians. It helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers, and informed citizens. It is through the study of Literacy that young people learn to analyse, understand, communicate, and build relationships with others and the world around them.
Warrnambool East P.S. students study Literacy daily, generally in a two-hour Literacy Block this comprises the four components of Reading, Phonics, Writing, Speaking and Listening. With rigorous assessment and planning processes in place, teachers develop personalised instruction for their students. We are all too aware that children have differing abilities and provide a differentiated curriculum which allows success for all. As part of the reading and writing sessions, students receive explicit teaching instruction to support their understanding and learning. Reading and writing are taught for a minimum of 5 hours each week.
Every child in Foundation to Year 6 has access to a wide variety of rich and authentic mentor texts which provide the basis for teaching practices, including guided reading, reciprocal teaching, literature circles and close reading.
Interventions based on explicit teaching of phonics and comprehension are provided in response to available resourcing and student need.
© Warrnambool East Primary School